Learning to speak/understand. A Sophism
So, last night was bath night. The whole gang, Miles, Dane, & Sophie, all got in the tub post-massacre of their dinners. Towards the end, my back was turned, but I heard the unmistakable sound of bubbles being blown from between clenched cheeks. I whipped around to see who the guilty culprit was, but the moment had "blown" past too quickly.
Thinking it was Miles, as he has been forcing the point lately for his & others' entertainment, I asked laughingly aloud "Who's blowing bubbles in the tub?!"
Now, a quick aside to educate everyone on why what happened, happened... We have been practicing asking things like, "Who wants dinner?" or "Who wants to brush their teeth?" to help get Dane & Sophie into the action & become aware of questions. We usually get enthusiastic "Me!"s or "Yea!"s. This is a good & entertaining response for us, generally.
So, after my asking who was bubbling in the tub, both of Sophie's hands shoot up into the air with a loud & proud, "ME!"
Now, I know it was Miles, & he confirmed that, but you have to love her little spirit! :)