A little bit o' this. A little bit o' that. Mostly the prattlings of the guy behind the camera about family, friends, things I like or don't like. So there!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Well, since I am taking soooo long to get my musical post done

I am going to just post the fun part now so you can enjoy the craziness of our babes.

Sophie & Dane gittin' down to the funky sounds of Andre Williams doing "Don't Touch" on the album, Lookey-Dookey. We are playing on my turntable in the garage & they've taken it upon themselves to request we go down there & that music be played.

Dane always has to bop to his own little beat when he hears music, or even sometimes when he just hears his own "special" music in his head. You can tell his enthusiasm for the music in his dance.

Sophie loves it to & she gets into it, but takes a little more coaxing than her big/littler brother. Hence my goading her on a bit.


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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New info about Uranus

OK. I love reading all the new science things happening & so my Google main page contains Discovery News, NASA Image of the Day, & my screen saver (when it's running) is an RSS feed about tech/science.

So, I ran across this one story & had to share because it's a rare-ish (once every 42 years) occurrence for anyone to see the Moons of Uranus passing - "Uranus moons seen overtaking each other for first time."

Or, should it be like going down the road & the car next to you passes with butts pressed to the window? - "Uranus moons seen overtaking each other for first time"

God, I love infantile potty humor.

For the real info - which really is interesting - Uranus moons seen overtaking each other for first time

No one claimed I ever act my age :P

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Attack of the killer bee-ns: A Sophism

The other day while out in the backyard with the kids, a big, black bumblebee - one of those flying furry gumdrop-looking ones - comes buzzing around the roof of the house & all the kids start yelling at me/it. Dane & Miles are yelling "BEE!!!" - with Dane adding in BUZZ so that I know what it sounds like ;)

And then there is my little Sophie screaming "BEAN!!! BEAN!!!"

And, I tend to think she's the smart one ;)

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Friday, May 04, 2007

Now for something comletely different...

Useful information

I know, I know. But it's not from me :) I am doing shameless promotion (who does your PR?) for Angela's new blog that will be beneficial for those with children, or grandchildren, friends with children, or just my childish friends.

I leave te serious journalism to Angela while I just ramble on about what ever strikes me - Angela usually! with the back of her hand :P I mean, who better to preach to you about what to do or buy your kids than a mother of 3 under 3! :D

Seriously though, good info, good links, great mom to my babies. I have included a snippet of the site to link over to should you wish.

OK, now I promise, no more useful info from me. Just dumb fun. What you all have come to expect - and luuuuuuv :)

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

A 10-minute Brazillian Space Odyssey

Some may remember. Others may wonder why. But I say, why not?! This piece is by Eumir Deodato & it's a sweet rendition of the 2001 theme song.

The original Richard Strauss is already such a powerul song, but this just goves it that edge, that flavor, added by the drums, bongos, & electric guitar.

What can I say, I dig it!

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Back to the music topic

So, this morning The Ramones came on the cable station on the TV & I heard Miles from the other room trying to get the lyrics of the "I Wanna Be Sedated" song they were singing. He was singing along to the "bam bam, bam-bams" & pogoing around next to Dane. Super cute!

Can a dad be more proud? :)

Well, I don't know if it will progress to this, but you have to give this kids some serious props for taking the time to do this song in so many locations , with so much "flair," & to leave in humorous bits too!

Maybe one of the brood will try something like this one day...

Maybe ours will be to a retro Falco song... come on people. You remember, don't you?! Rock me, Amadeus!


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