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So, this morning The Ramones came on the cable station on the TV & I heard Miles from the other room trying to get the lyrics of the "I Wanna Be Sedated" song they were singing. He was singing along to the "bam bam, bam-bams" & pogoing around next to Dane. Super cute!
Can a dad be more proud? :)
Well, I don't know if it will progress to this, but you have to give this kids some serious props for taking the time to do this song in so many locations , with so much "flair," & to leave in humorous bits too!
Maybe one of the brood will try something like this one day...

Maybe ours will be to a retro Falco song... come on people. You remember, don't you?! Rock me, Amadeus!
Labels: cover, homemade, kids, link, music, rap, sing, video
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