A little bit o' this. A little bit o' that. Mostly the prattlings of the guy behind the camera about family, friends, things I like or don't like. So there!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Why girls sit to go pee. Another Miles gem.

So, the other day Miles, after he firmly planted his booty on our toilet to take care of a little business while we were trying to get him to go down for a nap proclaimed that "Girls go pee pee from their booties!"

Angela & I, both standing there (why it takes 2 parents to help one kid go potty is beyond me), burst out laughing. We sort of explained that that was not so. But it is semi-futile at this age to really try & get him to grasp the complexity of a girl not having "external parts" to use.

Interesting deduction from his viewpoint though. Whereas, I have only know girls with potty mouths (ahem! Angela), ones that have diarhea of the mouth, & ones that just talk shit. :)

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