Everyone tubs differently...
In our house, as I am sure many other families' homes, bathtime is quite an event. We choose to bathe all 3 at once usually & it can either be fun & entertaining, or rather a "chore" if you get my drift. Struggles, pushing, dupming of water on heads, etc. But for the sake of making our family look "perfect"...
Sorry, needed a moment to compose myself from that good laugh ;)
Anyway, I'll keep it to the more entertaining end of things.

There's the "Who can hoard the most toys" game

The "footsy" game (not so much a game, as something entertaining to do)

The "big hair" game.

and the ever-fun "faaht" game. I won't mention who is the reigning champ of this game! :P
But don't get me wrong, it's a child. Shoot. I could take lessons!
Labels: bath, Dane, fart, games, humor, kids, Miles, nekid, pictures, Sophie, tub
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