Cause he's The Master...
The Master...of Disaster!
This tend to be our little song for...well, let's just call him Mr. Smith, to conceal his identity...during his daily trips, falls, bumps, bangs, etc. Sometimes he plays along, but then tries to pass the buck by calling one of us (any one of us) The Master. We all know the truth. ;)
Now, I am not saying I am with out injury. Just ask my mom.I have hit my head on more inanimate objects than a Metallica fan, front-stage at a concert. I am the epitomy of the term, "Scratch & dent model." But still, I have never been, The Master.
Now, Mr. Smith sometime back, injured his ring finger quite badly. Let's just say, it is the worst injury I think I've seen on someone beyond myself. And the only one that has ever made me unnerved or queazy. But, things have healed quite well, though it still really bums me out to see it in its damaged state. Don't know if it will ever look totally normal.
Anyway...Mr. Smith has been using the right hand much more often now that he's getting used to being able to have full use of it. We're out on a walk today &, Mr. Smith, is jumping in puddles with the rain boots we've put him in while his brother & sister are laughing at the spectacle. Out of the blue, while he is walking on grass, The Master appears & takes Mr. Smith down! No biggie, right? It's grass for godssake! But noooo, The Master beelines right for the only 3 or 4 stepping stones in the whole grassy area. Now, as you can see from the image below (we again, have hidden Mr. Smith's face to conceal his true identity) that said ring finger is now badaged with a monkey band-aid.

I mean, come on! The Master scraped his finger open, THE finger open on the freshly growing back nail & it starts to bleed. Well, long story short, The Master managed to only injure the only thing he, or any of us for that matter, didn't want to hurt again! OK, that was my rant. Enough of Mr. Smith. On to other more fun things.
Miles! :P

And lastly...

Cause, I really do love him. He is m'boy! My little Monkeyboy.
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